Instructions for Presenters

Presentation format

We ask you to bring your presentation on a USB-key and upload it to the computer in the session room before your session. We kindly ask you not to connect your own laptop to the computer in the room to avoid technical difficulties.

Supported presentation formats are PowerPoint and PDF. Please make sure to copy your presentation onto the computer in the assigned room. The volunteers in the rooms will be there to assist you with this.

Presentations should be uploaded during the break before your session in the room where your presentation will take place. We kindly ask you to be in the room 10 minutes before the start of your session. Please use this time to locate and present yourself to the chair of your session so they know you are present and your presentation can be uploaded.

Presentations should be given in English only.

Organization of sessions

Each session will be 1 hour and 40 minutes, and will include four presentations. Thus, the time allotted to each speaker is 23 minutes with 2 minutes reserved for the change of presenters.

We recommend to use 18 minutes for the presentation and the remaining 5 minutes for the general discussion and questions from the audience. Please keep in mind that if a presenter takes more time than 18 minutes for a talk, the presenter will have less time for questions and feedback from the audience to keep the total of 23 minutes per speaker.

Session chairs

One presenter in each session (typically the last presenter) will be designated as the session chair. Please check the conference program when it becomes available to see if you are the chair of your session.

Session chairs should come to the room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. Chairs should make sure the time available is divided equally between presenters and manage the discussion and questions from the audience following each presentation. In the (hopefully unlikely) case where the scheduled chair does not attend, the session’s actual last presenter is expected to take over the role of chair.

Any questions regarding these instructions should be sent to